A day in the Life

2 min readJun 10, 2021
Every Morning is a Beautiful Morning

Early in the morning standing on the balcony, holding the coffee mug to enjoy how the sun slowly comfy the snow mountain which begins the awesome day. Heading to the shower to wake up my skin to embrace the rest of the day. While Lavender fragrance on my outfit filling my head with pleasant silence started walking towards the restaurant. While clips of a beautiful dramatic morning filling the dreams, I feel his hands grabbing me near to him closer. While midday sun peeking through the curtain, slow meowing reminds me of her mealtime. As well as remembering his pleasing game of yesterday for his favorite brunch. No mind to go out of his hold, but my hunger dragging me to the kitchen. Now more of wondering, what drew him from sleep and walking towards me, “Is it me missing in the bed or his favorite brunch?! “ It has always been a favorite day, sitting on the messy bed and having the pancakes with the banana caramel, swallowing a lot of his joke and fun, ignoring the morning podcast. Rest of the day not bothering about the cleaning of the dirty pancake plates just laying over his shoulder binge-watching all the seasons of the series we started. Nothing more than his caressing hands on my lap, hearing his voice, having him by my side all the time. Wanting this day whenever the life ruthlessly killing the days with boring routine.

